
GUMAT specialises in the production of rubber and rubber-metal technical seals with a wide range of dimensions. Production takes place on rubber injection moulding machines, hydraulic presses and precision cutting machines. Overseeing the quality of manufactured products is possible through the implementation and maintenance of an Integrated Quality Management System. The company is a member of the associations Aviation Valley, Eastern Automotive Alliance and is also a member and co-founder of the Polish Automotive Group.

Zdjęcie produktu/usługi firmy GUMAT

Moulded rubber products

Gumat manufactures a wide range of seals made from materials that enable rubber components to work in a variety of conditions....

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Zdjęcie produktu/usługi firmy GUMAT

Cut rubber products

GUMAT produces a wide range of seals made using sleeve-cut technology. Seals of this type are widely used in the automotive, agricultural, white goods...

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Zdjęcie produktu/usługi firmy GUMAT

Silicone products

GUMAT's offering includes the manufacture of silicone compound products. They are used in automotive, household goods and other industries....

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Zdjęcie produktu/usługi firmy GUMAT

Die-cut rubber products

The company's offering includes the punching of rubber sheet products. They are used for components that do not require honing with a precise surface and edge finish....

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Zdjęcie produktu/usługi firmy GUMAT

Rubber and metal products

GUMAT's range of products includes, among others, shock absorbers, silentblocks, metal-rubber buffers, wheels, rollers, feet, brake pads, reconditioning of machine components and...

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Zdjęcie produktu/usługi firmy GUMAT

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GUMAT's range of products includes, among others, shock absorbers, silentblocks, metal-rubber buffers, wheels, rollers, feet, pads, reconditioning of machine and equipment components.


Production of rubber, silicone and metal/rubber products for industries:

Ikona branży

For automotive customers, we manufacture, among other things: cable and wiring harness covers, oil and fuel seals, filter seals, silentblocks, o-rings, OP seals, as well as coated seals.

Ikona branży

Orings, grommets and feedthroughs, wiring harness covers, silentblocks, rubber and rubber-metal dampers, as well as flat seals are examples of the components we produce for customers in the railway industry.

Ikona branży

Working with companies in the construction industry, we make orings, grommets and grommets, blanking plugs, flat gaskets.

Ikona branży

Agricultural companies, can take advantage of our range, which includes products such as e.g. orings, grommets and grommets, oil and fuel seals, link and wiring harness covers, silentblocks, rubber and rubber-metal shock absorbers, rubber blocks and plugs.

Ikona branży

Customers from the electrical industry order from us, among other things: grommets and bushings, wiring harness covers, o-rings and plugs.

Ikona branży

Process and process covers, transport covers and orings.

Our strengths

Ikona atutu firmy GUMAT

A brand focused on quality and customer needs

Ikona atutu firmy GUMAT

Long-term experience We have been on the market since 1994.

Ikona atutu firmy GUMAT

Innovation geared to market needs

Ikona atutu firmy GUMAT

Extensive machinery, modern technology

Ikona atutu firmy GUMAT

Production based on a Quality Management System

Siedziba firmy GUMAT

Machinery and equipment

The production process uses rubber injection moulding machines, precision cutting machines and hydraulic presses. This equipment supports various ancillary equipment, i.e. rubber extruders, packaging machines, cryogenic processing machines, effluent separators, coating equipment, washing machines, dryers, optical inspection equipment. A stable workforce allows complex production projects to be carried out. The main pillars of the company's management are based on the Kaizen, lean management philosophies aiming at the continuous improvement of the implemented processes.

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We use rubber and silicone compounds with a hardness of 15 to 90 ShA


Injection moulding




Precision bush cutting


Firma GUMAT specjalizuje się w produkcji gumowych i gumowo - metalowych uszczelnień technicznych o szerokim zakresie wymiarowym. Produkcja odbywa się na wtryskarkach do gumy, prasach hydraulicznych, maszynach do precyzyjnego cięcia. Nadzór nad jakością produkowanych wyrobów jest możliwy dzięki wdrożeniu i utrzymaniu Zintegrowanego Systemu Zarządzania Jakością. Firma należy do stowarzyszeń Dolina Lotnicza, Wschodni Sojusz Motoryzacyjny a także jest członkiem i współzałożycielem Polskiej Grupy Motoryzacyjnej.

21 August 2024

EU grants

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